Eye Exam Data

Fully integrated with Optomate Touch this application is effectively a mechanism to confirm all the appropriate behavioural optometry examination information is integrated with the initial patient presentation, information from teachers and other components of the vision unlocked stable to provide comprehensive insights into a child's visual and perceptual abilities, which are critical for learning. All electronic ocular images can be added for documentation and homogenised with graphical analysis of findings allowing presentation in a report which outlines findings and recommendations.

Effectively a tick-a-box application the practitioner confirms the exam date and number from their practice software. This is automatically downloaded through your integration with vision unlocked and you need to confirm the data points collected are accurate and add in appropriate comments.

From visual acuity, refraction, binocular vision, oculomotor tracking, accommodative flexibility, and eye health we take your evaluation of the child’s visual system amalgamate this with the visual and perceptual processing activities within the other components along with other sensory and cognitive processes and create a comprehensive binocular vision report which explains how your findings match the symptomology expressed in the VisionUnlocked questionnaire.