Sentence Copy

The Sentence Copy Application allows assessment of motor skills, visuospatial skills and constructional abilities. Peripheral awareness, sequencing, pen grip, paper support, letter formation, posture and midline crossings are recorded by the observer.

Individuals are asked to copy randomly selected sentences within a set time. The accuracy of the copy is evaluated, and a score recorded based on number of letters written in the allotted time.

This can provide valuable information about a child’s skills in sequencing whole words, sequencing graphemes or just sequencing letters. We evaluate the method of problem solving, ability to sequence and awareness of periphery. Observations of the examiner are critical, and these can easily be recorded by tapping appropriately labelled buttons.

By analysing performance on the sentence copy activity versus the digit matching application an insight into cognitive functioning and peripheral awareness can be made. Similarly, observer comments on posture, midline, pen grip, letter formation, applied methodology, word or line skipping help develop a picture of fine motor skills, bilateral integration, sequencing and oculomotor control.